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October 12th, 1938

Dear Jack: 

I presume that you have returned from Europe by now and did not get caught in any near maelstrom while over there. I saw Agnes the other night on her arrival and she told us lurid tales of the "Black Week" in London.

In any case, I am wondering if you are coming to New York shortly as we have a great many new things (more than ever before, as a matter of fact) which I will show you, amongst which there are also some grand new drawings and water colors.

Do drop me a line and let me know when you are coming.

With best wishes, 

As always -

Yours sincerely,

(Robert M. Levy)

John S. Newberry, Esq.
Detroit Institue of Arts
Detroit, Michigan


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 15:23:01 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 15:58:16 Black Week in London 1938