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THE DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS OF THE CITY OF DETROIT ARTS COMMISSION EDSEL B. FORD, PRESIDENT ALBERT KAHN ROBERT H. TANNAHILL EDGAR B. WHITCOMB COMMISSIONERS W.R. VALENTINER DIRECTOR EDGAR P. RICHARDSON ASSISTANT DIRECTOR CLYDE H. BURROUGHS SECRETARY 18 April 1938 RL Robert M. Levy, Esq. 3 East 51st Street New York City, N.Y. Dear Bob: Many thanks for your letter of the 14th. I have had the de la Fresnaye water-colors returned to you today by express and trust that they will reach you in order. I am wondering if you could send me the pedigree of the Guys of Eugenie, as several people here are interested in it, beside the Museum. I will appreciate greatly whatever information you can send me about it. Again with many thanks for all your kindness and with best wishes, Sincerely, Jack
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Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 16:29:16