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March 31, 1938

Dear Dr. Valentiner:

Thank you for your kind lines of March 29. I am sending you herewith a photograph of the paintings by Ingres. The photograph does a fair justice to the painting in the sense that the beautiful line and the plastic quality show very well. However, though the picture is a grisaille, there are some very pale pinkish touches which relieve the picture and which are lost on the photograph.

It is certainly a picture worthy of the greatest collection. The Louvre picture having been painted in 1814 and this one having been painted before, it is therefore, an earlier work which belongs to a period of Ingres which is not to be found today. As a matter of fact, even the later works of Ingres are incredibly scarce.

Hoping that these lines find you in good health,

Kindly believe me,

Sincerely yours,

(Rene Seligmann)

Dr. W.R. Valentiner
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit, Michigan


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 16:34:40