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February 29th, 1936

Dear Dr. Valentiner:
   It gave me so much pleasure to see you, though for a very short time, particularly looking so well and younger than ever.
   I wrote you previously during the course of the winter to ask you for some information about certain Dutch paintings.  May I, in connection with this same matter, ask you in what collections, according to you, there are the finest Metsu works.  I realize I  am putting your kindness to a great test, but  I truly hope you will not mind.
   The purpose behind these lines is to be able to find one or two METSUs of outstanding quality, which could be purchased for a European collector.  I should have asked you this when I saw you in New York, but it just went out of my mind.
   For your information, I do wish to tell you that I have not received the photograph of the Mantegna with your opinion, though I had the photograph delivered by hand to the St. Morits Hotel, and I cannot doubt that you received it.
   Looking forward to hearing from you, and thanking you beforehand.
I am with kindest regards,
Yours very sincerely,
(Germain Séligmann)

Dr. W.R. Valentiner
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit, Michigan