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Postl Telegraph
The International System
Commerical Cables  All American Cables
Mackay Radio

Received at 
1 East 5th Street
711 Fifth Avenue
Plaza 3-0507-8
New York City
Standard Time Indicated on this Message

This is a full rate Telegram, Cablegram or Radiogram unless otherwise indicated by signal in the check or in the address.
DL  Day Letter
NL  Night Letter
NM  Night Message
LCO  Deferred Cable
NLT  Night Cable Letter

Form 16
N45 13 Collect=W Detroit  Mich 1039A Jan 23 1936     RS
Rene Seligmann=
50  3 East 51 St=
Regret must first see painting if shipped here will  wire my opinion=

Telephone your telegrams to Postal Telegraph