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February 8th, 1936.

Dear Dr. Valentiner,

Many thanks for your kind lines and the very much appreciated certificate of the Cuyp.

What about the certificate for the Mantegna?

I am sending you herewith photograph of the Tintoretto painting which you have asked for. Professor Lionello Venturi wrote us about it and I enclose copy of his letter.

We have in New York the photograph of page 106 of the Inventory of 1652 of the Collection of the Archduke Léopold-Wilhelm; a photograph of the engraving by Hoij; a photograph of the cover and of page 77 of the Catalogue of the Museum of Vienna in 1895; and a photograph of our painting when it was in the Vienna Museum.

Hoping these lines will find you in good health,

Kindly believe me

Yours sincerely,

(René Seligmann)

Dr. W. R. Valentiner,
Detroit Institute of Arts,
Detroit - Michigan.