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New York 22, N.Y.
November 24, 1961

Dear Mr. Grigaut:

Thanks to your kind recommendation, I have been in correspondence with Mr. Bernard F. Walker of your city.

Upon receiving photographs of several drawings he seemed to be interested in from our catalogue of "Master Drawings", he has expressed the desire to examine the Paul HUNT water color, "Grande Maree d'Equinoxe", before reaching a decision - desire which I can well understand.

In view of my belief that he will want your advice, I am taking the liberty of having this drawing shipped directly to you c/o The Detroit Institute of Arts - this procedure I thought would facilitate matters all around. I do hope you will not mind my taking such a liberty, and I am counting upon your kindness and courtesy in excuse forwarding it to you without consulting you beforehand.

Mr. Walker also writes that you had called his attention to a drawing by CLODION - which I suppose is due to some confusion - in view of the lengthy number of drawings you probably saw when you were in New York.

I am therefore sending him photographs of three drawings by sculptors - CAMPEAUX, PAJOU, and VASSE- all extremely rare as you know, - and of great merit, I consider.

The Paul HUET drawing, shipped by air express, will remain insured by my firm while in the Museum's custody and in transit both ways.

With renewed appreciation for your kind help, and with personal regards,
Sincerely yours,
Germain Seligman

Paul L. Grigaut, Chief Curator
The Detroit Institute of Arts
5200 Woodward Avenue
Detroit 2, Michigan