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November 7th, 1956

Dear Mr. Richardson:

By same mail, under separate cover, I am taking the liberty of sending you an article written by Mrs. Seligman and me.

It refers to a topic we have been working on for several years, as it is only during our short Spring stays in Paris that we were able to delve into the problems it involves.

The title:

"The Myth of the Fragonard Portraits at Chantilly - or
the re-discovery of Jean Marie Ribou"

- will tell you a good deal about the subject, and I am wondering whether it could be of interest to the readers of the "Art Quarterly"?

It would give us both a great deal of satisfaction and pleasure, were you to come to such a conclusion.

Beside the article proper and the footnotes, you will also find five photographs of the oil paintings as well as five of the engravings.

You will agree with me I believe if I say that these ten should be reproduced with the text - though we have the photographs of the 42 paintings concerned as well.-

Looking forward to hearing from you in this connection, and with best personal regards,

Sincerely yours,
Germain Seligman

Mr. Edgar P. Richardson,
The Detroit Institute of Arts,
Detroit 2, Michigan