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September 9, 1955

Dear Mr. Richardson:

In cooperation with the Cleveland and the Minneapolis museums, I am organizing an exhibition of the oeuvre of Baron Gros, "Painter of Battles, the first romantic painter." The majority of the paintings I have been fortunate enough to secure in Europe, and these have never been seen before in this country. However, I consider that to give a full representation of this artist's achievements, the painting of the "Bataille d'Aboukir," which is part of the permanent collection of your museum, should by all means be included; and may I hope that you will be willing to lend it. 

The exhibition will start at my galleries on November 14th, and sometime in January -- the date has not yet been definitely set -- it will be shown in Minneapolis, whence it will go to Cleveland, opening on March 8th to close on April 15th. Unfortunately, in view of the limited space offered by my gallery, I would not be in a position to show the "Bataille d'Aboukir," as much as I would like to be able to do so. Thus your lending would be limited to the two museums, that is, from sometime in January to April 15th. 

Because I am at present working on the catalogue and am desirous to include this painting and if, as I hope, you are willing to accede to this request, I am sending you herein a lender's form, which I would be ever so grateful to you for returning to me at your earliest convenience with a photograph if possible. 

Trusting I may hear favorably from you, and with personal regards, 

Sincerely yours, 

Germain Seligman

Mr. Edgar P. Richardson
Detroit Institute of Arts
5200 Woodward Avenue
Detroit 2, Michigan


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-21 17:55:18