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The Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit 2, Michigan
Arts commission of the City of Detroit
Edgar B. Whitcomb, President - Robert H. Tannahill, Vice President - Mrs. Edsel B. Ford - K.T. Keller

Edgar P. Richardson, Director
WM. A. Bostick, Secretary & Bus. Mgr. 
June 18, 1954

Mr. Germain Seligmann
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, New York

Dear Mr. Seligmann:

We are planning for the Fall (September 28 - October 31) what we hope will prove to be an important exhibition of French art, mostly paintings of the period 1860-1900, "The Two Sides of the Medal". Our aim will be to show not only works by well-known Impressionists (although these will form the strongest section of the exhibition), but also a number of characteristic works by the Academic painters who were active at that period.

We have already been promised a number of extremely important works by the Impressionists and I believe that the exhibition will be a significant one, both from a local and perhaps a national point of view. A catalogue, as fully illustrated as possible, will be published. The importance of the exhibition will be enhanced by the fact that it will be the first Impressionists exhibition in Detroit in the past twenty years, and that particular emphasis has been placed on the period 1880-1890, which marks the passage from Impressionism to Post-Impressionism. 

To accomplish our aim I would like to enlist your cooperation and ask you for the loan of Vuillard's [[underlined]] Room under the Eaves [[/underlined]] and Bonnard's [[underlined]] The Boulevard [[/underlined]]. I hope that you will be able to grant us this request. Of course, the Institute will take care of all expenses, insurance, express, etc., connected with the loans. 

With best wishes, I am, 
Sincerely yours,
[[Signed]] Paul L. Grigaut [[/signed]]
Paul L. Grigaut
Associate Curator of Western Art


[[Handwritten annotation]] Description to me - [[/handwritten annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-21 09:13:26 Editing - double brackets to be used for correct formatting, only single brackets used throughout, and no [[/end descriptor]] formatting in use either.