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Mr. Germain Seligman
Jacques Seligmann & Co. Inc.
5 East 57 Street, NEW YORK 22.

"Le Grand Cologny"
COLOGNY. Geneva.
Dec. 28th 1952

Dear Sir:

Your letter of December 22 to my librarian Mr. de Wrangel has just been received and I thank you for it. 

This is to tell you, that I would be glad if you could postpone the shipping of the MISSAL for a week later, i.e. the week of January 14th. As I prefer to take myself the measures for insurance and payment and would like to be present when the MS arrives, I ask you this. I am absent for winter sports from the end of December until January 14th, and this would complicate my disposals. 

Payment will be bade to your firm's account with J.P. Morgan, as desired. 

With the Season's best compliments, I am 

Yours very truly,
Martin Bodmer.
(Dr. Martin Bodmer.)