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BOB JONES University
December 24, 1957

Mrs. T. D. Parker
Jacques Seligmann & Company, Inc. 
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, New York

My dear Friend:

What a lovely Christmas present and how beautiful a drawing. I really should not confess it, but I couldn't wait until Christmas to open the package. It is so nice to be remembered in this fashion, and I am most grateful. 

I have been looking forward to that visit with you, but I do not know when it is going to become a realization. The Lord willing, I shall be leaving on the 11th of February for Rio, flying across the South Atlantic to Dakar and down to Johannesburg, Durban, and Cape Town, where I will be conducting preaching missions. I expect to return by way of Copenhagen and two or three engagements there the last of March. 

With kindest regards and greetings for the Christmas season and best wishes for the New Year. 

Bob Jones Jr. 
