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June 23, 1962

Dear Larry ,

Your charming letter of June 15th has just reached me here in Paris, and I hasten to tell you how much I appreciate the thought which prompted you to write.

I truly do not believe that my book deserves all of your laudatory comments, but I indeed am happy to know that you enjoyed reading it and that you consider that it is a contribution to the field of art. In writing it not only did I want to follow Francis Taylor's suggestions in recording some of my father's and my old firm's achievement, but it was also my desire to show the evolution as well as the fickleness of taste, and further to convey information which should be of value to art historians as regards collections of the past.

These few lines are written a few hours before our leaving, Ethlyne and I, for London, where we will spend a couple of weeks before going to Switzerland for what I believe is a much needed rest. Should you be crossing the ocean this summer and be headed for Switzerland, here below you will find our address in that country, and we do hope you will be able to visit us.

Ethlyne, who has taken such a large share of the publishing of "Merchants of Art", in turn wants to thank you for your kind words, and joins me in sending you our warmest good wishes.

Sincerely yours,
Germain Seligman

Mr. Laurence Sickman
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art
4525 Oak Street                                 
Kansas City, Missouri                            
Chalet Graa
Gstaad, B.O.                                                