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New York 22, N. Y.

April 2, 1962

Dear Ted:

How impressed I am with the superb catalogue "The Imagination of Primitive Man" I have just received from you, and without delay I do want to thank you.

I can well imagine how both Sarah and you must have been working together and enjoying the exhibition you were organizing, as well as establishing this precious document - for it is one indeed!

As it reached me with this morning's mail, I have had only time to glance at it, but one of its striking features is the overall merit embracing the whole world, as it does. Furthermore, how well it proves the closeness of some of the works with the exhibition held a couple of years ago at the Museum of Modern Art -"New Images of Man" - particularly in No. 248, thus showing more eloquently than by a good many words how much influence this primitive art has had on present days' artists.

My congratulations go to you - Larry gives you all the credit and I feel certain that you deserve every bit of it.

I am taking this remarkable volume home for I know how Ethlyne will be happy to delve into this assembled material.

With renewed appreciation and kindest thoughts to Sarah and to you,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

P.S. You mentioned your intention of coming to New York towards the end of March. Have you given up this plan and shall I have the pleasure of seeing you here before going to Europe around the middle of May?

Mr. Ralph T. Coe
Curator of Paintings and Sculpture
The William Rockhill Nelson Gallery
of Art & Atkins Museum of Fine Arts
Kansas City 11, Missouri