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November 14, 1957

Mr. Germain Seligman
5 East 57th Street
New York, New York

Dear Mr. Seligman:

Thank you very much for your flattering comments about our Fontinalia Exhibition. It is a very handsome show, I think, and I am sorry that you will not be able to see it. I shall bring some photographs of it with me when I come to New York at the end of January.

Speaking of January, I want you to know that I have not forgotten the exhibition of nineteenth century paintings and drawings that we have been discussing. I would still love to have an exhibition during January and February, if you feel that you could spare the time during your busy season in working it out with me. You will remember we discussed the nature of the exhibition earlier. Perhaps in the meantime you have acquired different things which might suggest a new approach to an exhibition of nineteenth century French paintings and drawings. As you know, I keep thinking up fascinating exhibition titles which very often cannot possibly be realized with the materials available, but if you will bear with me I shall continue to do so. Such things as "A significant Decade of French Paintings", "French Painting: 1858", Gustav Moreau and his Milieu", and so on and so on. As I said the months of January, February would be wonderful for me and the exhibition could contain up to about twenty-five items.

With the hope that something might finally be worked out and with my wife's and my very best regards to you and Mrs. Seligman, I am 

Sincerely yours, 
Edward A. Maser
Edward A. Maser Director 
