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New York, N.Y. 10022


December 23, 1971

Dear Jennifer;
What great news your charming Christmas card conveys, and how grand it will be to see you here.

However, greatly distressing is the time you seem to have set for visiting us in New York - the second half of February - for, should we carry out our present plans, we would be leaving February 15th for about three weeks.

Could you not possibly stop off in our city on your way to San Francisco. It would seem to me that any plane from London to the West Coast should be stopping here, and after a couple of days, or more, you could resume your trip on the same plane schedule.

Do try andmanage this. It would be too distressing for words to miss each other on your first, and rare visit to these shores.

On the other hand, it is difficult for us to alter our plans, on account of previous hotel reservations, rather hard to obtain in this season, and furthermore because I have to be back at the galleries in early March.  And get away I must.

In all haste, do let me hear from you about the arrangements you will have been able to make.

With kind thoughts from us both, and renewed good wishes,


Germain Seligman

Miss Jennifer Montagu
5 Vicarage Gardens
London, W. 8, ENGLAND