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New York 22, N.Y.

December 20, 1963

Dear Miss Montagu,
The Christmas card, which I am happy to enclose, could hardly express the different messages I wish to convey.

Hence these few extra lines to tell you how impressed I was with the remarkable studies you have published this year - in the "Burlington Magazine, in "Master Drawings - and, of course, with the stupendous work you have carried out in connection with the Le Brun Exhibition.

Will you, therefore, allow me to add my congratulations to the very many you must have received.

Unfortunately, due to ill health, I was unable to go to Versailles, as I was most anxious to do. The Catalogue, which I have at my side, reveals the importance of this aesthetic manifestation, which would have been so very incomplete had it not been for the valuable data supplied by the drawings, for the choice of which you were responsible.

You should indeed feel proud of your achievements.

With renewed good wishes,

Sincerely yours,

Miss Jennifer Montagu
5 Vicarage Gardens
London W. 8.