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It is, however, a piece of the quite exceptional quality and of the greatest interest. Stylistically, it is more advanced than Riccio, and in terms of handling and facture it has much more in common with Florentine bronzes of the mid-16th century than with Paduan bronzes of any period. The answer still remains to be found for this magnificent piece.

I am afraid that all of the foregoing reads in a rather negative sort of way, but I hope that it has been of some use to you. I am very pleased that you have got in touch with me about the Venus head, which I consider to be a very fine little bronze and most attractive. If it is possible for you to do so, I should be most grateful if you could enable me to keep track of it, since I should hope to arrive at a more positive conclusion about it some time. These problems have a way of explaining themselves in the end, given time. If you have a good photograph made of it, I should be most grateful if you could let me have a print.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony F. Radcliffe, 
Assistant to the Director.