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New York 22,New York

October 31st, 1967

Dear Mr. Pope-Hennessy:
Against all logic, I was hoping that I would have another opportunity of seeing you ! However, not having heard from you following my telephone call at the Stanhope Hotel, I gathered that you did not have any more free moments, in view of your very short stay. 

Judging from the success of your fascinating lecture and the enthusiasm shown by the audience, it is easy to deduce how you must have become engulfed in innumerable social activities - besides the time consuming work at the Frick.

In fact, related to your lecture, there are a couple of points which I would have liked to discuss with you. These I will postpone until I have the pleasure of meeting you again, probably in London, in the not too distant future, I hope.

You will recall that you asked for a photograph of my ANTICO putto. Your will find it herein, though - I am sorry to say - it does not do justice to the beauty of the little bronze. For the clarity of your files, let me add that you already received one in the Fall of 1964.

Trusting you had an agreeable trip home and that by now you have recovered from the strain of your visit here.

With best regards,
Sincerely yours,
Germain Seligman 

J.W. Pope-Hennessy, Esq.
The Victoria and Albert Museum
South Kensington
London, S.W. 7