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WELbeck {0687,0688


8th October 1970.

Dear Mr. Seligman,

I have just returned from abroad to find your very nice letter of 10th September awaiting me. It was good to hear from you again, and I am glad that you were well enough to write.

The Commemorative exhibition for Lord Hertford's centenary is now over. It was a very small affair, partly because material on him, both documentary and iconographic, is so scarce, and partly because we do not have the space for a large exhibition. Apart form the portraits and busts normally in the Founder's Room here, we got together a number of photographs of Bagatelle, the rue Laffitte, the Musée Rétrospectif exhibition of 1865, and some of the original letters to Mawson, the agent. We also were able to borrow the three Sudbourne shooting pictures by Decaen from Orford, which were really nothing to do with Lord Hertford, but the Trustees wanted to have them, and they were something of a novelty as far as the public were concerned. I suppose they were presented to Orford by Murray Scott after Lady Wallace's death, and when Sudbourne was sold.

I am afraid we did not issue a catalogue of the exhibition, but merely had full descriptive labels. I am, however, sending you a press release notice about Lord H., and a copy of the latest edition of our General Guide which you may like to have. The exhibition seems to have been well received in its quiet way.

With kindest regards,
R A Cecil
Assistant to the Director

Mr. Germain Seligman,
5. East 57th Street,
10022, U.S.A.