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10340 Wilshire Boulevard, Apt. 10
Los Angeles 24, California
December 20, 1952

Mr. Germain Seligman
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N. Y.

Dear Germain:

I perfectly understand your point of view regarding the Graupe Rubens. You have characterized it very well, but I must say that I like the conscious lack of stability of the composition, the suspense of the figures in the air, as it is just this characteristic which the late Rubens connects with Tiepolo. However, it would be too long a story to explain this in detail.

Regarding your charming statue of the Christ Child, I would be glad if you could send me some better photographs. And if you don't mind, I will wright my opinion on one of the photographs. Unfortunately it is still rather indefinite, but I can at least give the date, the place where it was executed and the connection of the artist with other sculptors of his time.

With best Christmas wishes,

Sincerely yours,
W. R. Valentiner