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November 12, 1976 

Dear Mr. Page,
Mrs. Parker has just conveyed your pleasant message, your decision to acquire the drawing by Perrin, La Mort de Sophonisbe.

The price of which, as you recall, is $ 4,000. (four thousand dollars), and as agreed, a bill will be forwarded after January 1, 1977.

This news I find delightful, and I am happy at the thought of being represented in your museum with this truly most attractive and interesting work of art. The subject also adds to its merit.

It will be shipped to you momentarily, but meanwhile under separate cover I am mailing our pamphlet which I feel certain you would like to have. 

Before closing, may I say that I enjoyed much your, and the members of your museum's visit, all displaying such a keen interest in what I enjoyed showing them.

With best regards, 


Germain Seligman 

Mr. Addison Franklin Page 
The J.B. Speed Art Museum
P.O. Box 8345
2035 South Third Street 
Louisville, Kentucky 40208