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May 12th., 1948

Dear Sir:

I am taking the liberty of sending you herein the photograph of a painting which you may recall was exhibited in Paris at the great International Exhibition of 1947.

It was then considered [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]], and was catalogued as the work of a French artist of the 17th. century. However, of late several art historians are considering another eventuality, namely, the possibility that the painting may be the work of a Spanish artist, had have gone so far as to mention the name of Mayno. Whatever, the correctness of this attribution may be, it would seem there exists a large drawing of the head of the sitter represented in this painting, and I am writing to inquire whether you would have among your many treasures a print of this drawing (engraving, lithograph, etc.)?

Should this be the case, we will of course have solved our problem, as on the print we would find the name of the original artist, as well as that of the engraver., and could I count upon you to be good enough to send me a photograph of the same?

In view of the unique and exceptional quality of this painting, which is, furthermore, in a remarkable state of preservation, it would be of considerable interest to the cause of art, should it be possible to identify the painter.

I am much looking forward to hearing from you, and with anticipated thanks I remain,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligman)

P.S. I am taking the liberty of enclosing herein an International Reply Coupon. Do please let me know what expenses you will have in connection with this research work or any photographs.

Director (Cabinet des estampes)
Prado Museum