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October 26, 1953

Dear Dick;

A couple of weeks ago we wrote to your museum asking for an 8" x 10" black and white photograph of the painting in the museum, calling it a Bourdon, an attribution which I thought has been generally recognized instead of the one to Poussin.

However, be that as it may, for reference I would like to receive this print and would be ever so much obliged to you if you would look into this matter as I am afraid our calling it Bourdon rather than Poussin might have been misleading.

By the same token, do be good enough to let me know if the attribution to Poussin has been maintained in you museum or whether we can refer to your painting as being by Bourdon.

Thanking you in advance and best regards.

Yours very sincerely.

Germain Seligman

Mr. Richard S. Davis
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
201 East 24th Street