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June 25, 1953

Dear Mr. Davis, 

You will not be surprised to know that your letter of the 23rd has arrived while Mr. Seligman is in Europe, and before his return to vacation in the West. 

The Vermeer of the Duc d'Arenberg's collection is in a very special category of our works of arts, and the photographs of it are not available to me in Mr. Seligman's absence. 

Nevertheless, I am forwarding a copy of your letter to him and he will certainly be in touch with you about the middle of July, between flights, if not earlier. 

With best wishes for a pleasant summer,

Your very sincerely 

Mrs. T.D. Parker

Mr. Richard S. Davis
Senior Curator
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
201 E. 24th Street & Bridgeport 4256
Minneapolis 4, Minnesota.