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July 23, 1952

Dear Dick:

Your good lines of July 18, just catch me as I am about to go to Idlewild, and I hasten to convey to you the good news that Ethlyne and I will be happy to lend the Winterhalter portrait, and this partly due to the fact that I have been able to find another frame for it. Though it is a very fine 18th century one it is slightly less fragile than the other.

Your exhibition simply sounds grand and I feel certain that with your usual dynamism you will make it a great success.

You suggest calling up the gallery on your way to London, Paris, and Madrid, but may I dissuade you, for as usual my gallery will be closed from July 31, to September 2, and your call would be in vain.

Wishing Phyllis and you a most pleasant trip abroad and looking forward to seeing you towards the middle of September and with kind thoughts,

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Seligman)

Mr. Richard S. Davis
Minneapolis Institute of Arts