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April 29, 1952

Dear Russel:

Following your so very pleasant visit of yesterday I am sending you here below confirmation of some of the data I gave you on the Rodin bronze statue of "Balzac".

Upon your return to Minneapolis I hope you duly found the photographs which in the meantime as I explained to you had been sent to Dick Davis.

RODIN, Auguste (1840-1917) "HONORE DE BALZAC"

Bronze: Height 49-3/4" Commissioned in 1893.

Signed top right of base: A. Rodin

Below the signature, on side of base "Original No. 1."; According to information received but three casts were made by Rudier of this bronze. (1)

On the left back of base: "Alexis Rudier Fondeur Paris".

Bibliography: "Rodin" by Leonce Bénédite, p. 37-40 (this not particularly in reference to ours)
"Rodin" Editions Phaidon (reproduced) P1. 82. mentioned p. 133 by Jean Cassou.
"Rodin" by Jean Charbonneaux, Edition Bibliotheque Aldine des Arts; P. XIV in Table No. 76 with dates 1893-1897 and reproduced on PL. 76.
"Musee Rodin Catalogue", of 1919-1926, see No. 175 and p. 12.
"Musee Rodin Catalogue", of 1948 by Marcel Aubert & Cecile Goldscheider p. 12 & 16, "Salle X".

(1) #1, mine, was the property of M. Danton, who also had the original plaster maquette which is now in the Musee Rodin.
#2, in the Musee Rodin.
#3, in a private collection in Europe.

The price is $8,800.- (Eight thousand eight hundred dollars).

You will also recall that I promised this bronze to Andrew Ritchie for his exhibition of sculpture, opening in September, under the proviso however that should it be sold in the meantime the consent of the new owner would have to be obtained,

Yours very sincerely,
(Germain Seligman)   

Mr. Russel A. Plimpton
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts


Transcription Notes:
In the final paragraph of the body of the letter, the words "should it" are overlapped by another word. Unsure if or how this should be transcribed.