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201 East 24th Street, Minneapolis 4, Minnesota Telephone: FEderal 5-4256 Cable address: Minnart

Richard S. Davis, Director

2 January 1957

Mr. Germain Seligman
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, New York

Dear Germain:

In answer to your telegram of this date, I am writing to say that the drawing by Delacroix arrived in good condition a day or two before Christmas.

You will receive a formal receipt, which has been delayed because of the very large number of receipts which must be mailed at the end of the year.

The funds [[strikethrough]]have[[strikethrough]] for both drawings come from special gifts, and will be transferred as soon as possible.

Incidentally, I was not able to come to New York as I had hoped prior to Christmas because of the difficulty of securing reservations. However, Phyllis and I are coming for a week commencing January 10 or 11 and count on seeing you.

Very sincerely,

Richard S. Davis
