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December 17, 1974

Dear Sam,

How truly sorry I am to have missed your good visit a few days ago.

As Mrs. T.D. Parker probably explained to you, due to my health condition, I can spend but little time at the galleries and I was hoping that you would be able to drop in anew. Besides the pleasure of seeing you again, after such a long absence, I would have been happy to be able to congratulate you on your new museum, for it is truly a new one, about which I heard so many laudatory comments.

And hardly had you left then I received your sumptuous museum bulletin, which is not only a superb volume but also contains such a number of interesting chapters written all by leading art historians.

The first one I was anxious to read was, of course, the one Lemoine by Pierre Rosenberg, whose prose and thorough knowledge always constitutes a very special incentive for me. I have perused the others and the next one will be on Gauffier, so little known in this country and whom I have owned several drawings in the past. This is all together splendid achievement, of which you must feel very proud.

Let me close these links by wishing you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and a continuation of success.


Germaine Seligman

Mr. Samuel Sachs II
Minneapolis Institute of the Arts
2400 Third Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404