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September 10, 1953

Dear Mr. Morgan:

Referring to your letter of August 17, my office has already advised you that the two drawings by INGRES and SEURAT which you asked for are no longer in our possession.

However, I immediately posted Mr. Thomas C. Howe, Jr. of San Francisco about your request, as his museum, the California Palace of the Legion of Honor, is now the owner of the portrait of "Countess Marcellus" by Ingres.

Furthermore, the owner of the Seurat drawing is a private collector from California with whom Mr. Howe is well acquainted. I assume therefore that you will hear directly from him in this connection.

I am sorry not to be able to cooperate in a more active form in your undertaking, and with all best wishes,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligman)

F. Cleveland Morgan, Esq.
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
1379 Sherbrooke St. West