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They seem to be generally of the opinion that the United States, having wrongfully freed the negroes, ought now to take care of them. They wash their hands of all blame, and if they cannot have the negroes subject to them, wish to have nothing at all to do with them. "The Yankees have got the negroes; now let the Yankees take care of them." [[strikethrough]] Slaves [[/strikethrough]] The freedmen constantly report their old masters as saying to them, "The Yankees have set you free and now you must look to the Yankees to feed you." For illustration: the day before I left Athens (Christmas) a decrepid and helpless negro, eighty or ninety years old, was brought within a few rods of my headquarters, and there left to crawl the rest of the way to me. He said his master had brought him there and told him to go to the Yankees and see what they would do for him. A similar case occurred a day or two previously.

The worst and lowest portion of the white people appear to be greatly troubled by the fear that they and not the negroes shall be found at the bottom of society. This jealousy leads them on all occasions to trample upon, insult and abuse the colored men, in order to show their superiority. "Poor white trash"

The old law which forbade negroes to own real estate