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against the prejudices and animosities of his former master, who now seeks every opportunity, as a general thing, to impose upon and persecute him, the more so since the withdrawal of the troops from this place.

Barbarous treatment has been imposed on others in several cases that have come to my knowledge within the last two days. Even our city government seems disposed to fall in with the popular sentiment: "Ha! Now the Yankees are gone we'll give you hell to make up for your impertinence while they were here." And I have been threatened if I attempt to interfere.

The proper status of the Freedman, as designed by the Government is not, nor will not be appreciated by the people here unless troops are kept here to force them to yield obedience to the laws.

If it is true that I am appointed, I hope you will not expect me to perform the duties I anticipate belongs to the Bureau without at least the presence of troops - a few