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Georgia Spalding County

To Maj Genl Tillson, Head Freedmens Bureau for the State of Georgia.

The petition of John Low a citizen of the county & State aforesaid, respectfully therewith, that about the year eighteen hundred and fifty two, Solomon Bloodworth, formerly a merchant of this city in settlement of a debt due by him to to [[strikethrough]] H [[/strikethrough]] S.B. & H.D Stoddard, a citizen of New York, sold to said Stoddard a certain business house on Broadway in the city of Griffin in said county, and during the late war, the same lot & appurtenances was sold by the then, confederate Government as sequestrated property, and your petitioner became the purchaser of the same & exercised the usual acts of ownership over the same. The building on the lot was a small wooden one, & became from non use very much dilapidation, & was used by several persons as a privy, some of the planks having been taken off, & burnt or otherwise destroyed by persons unknown to your petitioner In consequence of [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] its filthy conditions, the mayor & council of the city of Griffin on the 18th ult orders your petitioners to remove, said nuisances & clean up the cellar within five days thereafter, (a copy of which matter is hereto appended) & on the 24th ult, the Mayor & Council of said city again notified your petitioner to abate said nuisances a (copy of which is hereto appended). and in obedience to said orders your petitioner proceeded to remove the building, intending to fill up the