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Feby 13th 1866.

Genl Tillson

As I shall have opportunity of sending this to you I have written the enclosed -

Having ruined myself by forestalling public sentiment, in my own county, I must beg you if you make any use of this letter to suppress my name, I have always been fearless in the advocacy of what I believed to be right as well as in denouncing error -  And only for saying what I know [[strikethrough]] than [[/strikethrough]] to be true a year ago - & what a majority now admit to be the truth, For saying only what has been better expressed by Gov Jenkins & Senator Johnson - I have been ostracised in my own county & for aught I can see to the contrary shall be compelled in my old age & with a large family dependent on me, to seek either a new home, or new employment in order to live - I do not wish to complain.  I have endeavored to live so as to benefit my race - and only right,