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Albany, Ga March 8, 1866

Dear Genaeral

I now make it conveiant to drop a few lines to you we are all well at the place I am at and are getting along well, and we shall be done planting corn by the foreteenth of this month and are beding up Cotton grond, and will be able by the eighth of next month to comence planting cotton having the grond all prepard I hope you are enjoying good health as we are at the present is Major Hasting going to stay here I hard that he is gong to be mustard out of the service I am trying to put the best foot foremost according to your orders and hope that I am not giving you eney uneasyness about me and with the help of God I am going on with my agreement on when I saw you last and with the present prospects I have no dout but we will make a good crop runing eleven plows every day I would like that Medisens that that you promised to send me I have seen my one Docter for the last foreteen years and I can administer