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Marrietta, Ga, April 17 1866
Genl Tillson


I have your answer to my telegrams, in regard to trial of freedman by civil authorities &c.

You say "The nearest agent of the Bureau can try the case." and refer me to Par. 2d Cir. 4 1866 which refers to No. 4 Series 1865.  There, Sec. 4 "it is preferred that all cases of any importance be tried by the civil tribunals of the state &c."  Now the case I had referred to in my telegram this morning is one of importance.

The whipping was severe, and after whipping the child she then knocked him down with her fist.  And I supposed that such a case should under the rule be referred to the civil court.  But thought I had better know of you, certainly, how to act in the premises. 

From the 12th & 13th questions of the circular letter of 13th Inst., I infer that if you could be satisfied that justice would be done the freed people, if left to the action of the civil authority, you would not appoint