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an Agent, but would entrust the interest of the freed people to civil court.

In my ans to these questions I said, "I believe that the freed people would get justice if left to the civil courts."  I have no hesitancy in saying so.  And believe that it would allay every feeling of discontent that may exist in the bosom of any one.

Our statute laws given equal rights to all.  The evidence of freedmen are allowable in our courts.  And the people inquire, Why is it, that a citizen agent is authorised to try a freedman whom the judge of our courts who are eminently qualified to administer the law are forbidden to do it?

Much better feeling would prevail if the civil courts had cognizance of these cases.

Now as Mayor of this town, if a white person had committed the offence above stated I should have had him or her up & tried & if guilty, punished.  But here, this freedwoman committed the offence & goes scot free.  This causes the whites to complain.