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Madison, Georgia,
May. 11th. 1866.

Brig. Genl Davis Tillsen,
Comr B R F and A L
Augusta Georgia

General -

I have had application to bind several colored minors recently, but forbear doing so until I get information from you, on account of the indentures of two minors to one Z B Middlebrooks being disapproved.  The children referred to, were "colored minors, under the ages of fourteen years without father or mother living" and unable to support themselves, living with an aged and bedridden grandfather, and a decrepid grandmother, who had no means of support, and I bound them out, as I thought, in accordance with Circular instructions from your Head Quarters, verbal instructions from Agents, and under the requirements of the late Act of the Georgia Legislature.

Will you please give me the necessary instructions, and I would ask the privilege of publishing your letter in our County paper, for the information of those interested.  There are some persons