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into one of the churches, which seemed to have the desired effect for a while, but their oily tongues wheedled the officer out of his first determination, and he had the school move out.  At least three of the churches here are rank secession & preach it from their pulpits to-day.  One [[?]] said here, on the occasion of the decoration of the soldier's graves, "we are now shackled - are very slaves - but the day is surely approaching when we can throw off our chains and assert out superiority."  If murder, arson, robbery, rape and inhumanity are superior accomplishments, then I am willing to yield the superiority of the southern people.  Great God! what will southern loyal men do, should the Johnson policy reinstate these traitors as law-givers for us?  I shudder at the thought.

General, please advise me with reference to the Freed school.

Very Respectfully
Your Most humble Servt
J Clarke Swayze
Ag't Spalding Co.