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Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Office of A.S.A. Com
Augusta, Geo June 2 1866

Personally appeared before me. J.K. Smith. Capt & A.S.A. Com_one Henrietta Austin_ who upon oath states that one Henry McDonald while at breakfast_ told me to hand him the pan with hot biscuit in it from the oven.  I was helping him to Coffe & Susanna Small brought the biscuit, form the oven, in the pan & put them on the table.  Then Henry McDonald told me to hand him the biscuit, I went to the closet to get a plate to put them on when he threw a fork at me & then jumped up & struck me three times with his fist in the side & called me a damned bitch.  I told him "that he must not be knocking me So;" & he (Henry McDonald said "God damn you, I will kill you!" I then went out of the house.

Henrietta her mark x Austin

Sworn & subscribed before me
this 2nd day June 1866
J. Kearny Smith, Capt & A.S.A. Com Augusta Geo