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Savannah June 4, 1866

Maj Genl Tilson
Augusta Ga


I am disgusted with my recent attempt to hod a Freedmans Court.  I have no officers to enforce attendance, or judgement when rendered.

My Captain is very kind in furnishing me a man from his Command upon request But I doubt my authority to place a man under arrest until he pays a fine or a debt, that is much a judgement of my Court.  And to need a request to my Captain for every such case request to such times.  And then it is uncertain if he grants it.  Have I the authority to instruct a U.S. Soldier to detain a party in custody till he satisfies the judgement of the Court?  

If not, unless you can confer it the Court is a farce.

I have several cases where parties refuse to appeal or obey the justice of the Court.  Some refuse to appear when summoned.  Cases for beating negroes, are