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Bureau of Refugees F and A.L.
Office of Act. Sub. Asst. Comsr
Savannah Geo June 21st 1866

Captain W.W. Dean
Asst. Adjt. Genl.


I have the honor to forward you the Affidavit of one Jeremiah Owens of McIntosh County, Ga. who was badly beaten by rowdies in February, he is still scarcely able to get about. enclosed you will find a notice (supposed to have been put up by the the same rowdies who beat him) ordering certain named persons to leave that County "McIntosh" under penalty of being shot; also affidavit of several citizens of McIntosh Co. to the effect that unless they left the County they would be shot. Mr. Yulee, Agt. for the Bureau sent Jeremiah Owens here with a letter; which I also enclose to you, from all that I can learn, these men have done nothing to injure any of the party who are trying to drive them away. Jeremiah Owens & the rest of the men referred to are deserters from