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Head Qts Dist of Georgia
Office AA Insp General
Augusta July 30 1866

Bvt Major Genl Davis Tillsoon
Commdg Dist of Ga

I have the honor to report that in compliance with Special orders No 110 dated July 23d 1866. I proceeded at once to h-Griffin to investigate the affairs of the Bureau at that place- I found that Mr Swayze the Agent at that place had notified the Major to desist from enforcing & collecting a certain fine imposed upon Mr Daniel Johnson U S Revenue Collector for an alleged assault committed upon a citizen of that place for calling the U S Flag "a damned dirty rag". Mr Swayze misconstrued his orders by supposing that Genl Grants last order gave him authority to interfere were he thought justice was not being done to U S officers who were arrested & brought before the civil authorities for trial. I found however that no ill feeling existed on this account & having instructed Mr Swayze as to his duty in such cases I dont think an occurrence of this kind will again happen.

I also found upon further investigation that a large portion of the citizens of Griffin have an extreme hatred of Mr Swayze and it appears to be based upon the fact of his deserting from the Rebel Army (into which he had been conscripted) and joining the Union Army