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Circis [[Circus]] - visual art 
*Cranes - Russian Flying Act 
music, told a story - popular Russian legend - crane represent fallen soldiers that fly & protect the people.

A Pavlenko 17 tigers - classical music - ballet of man (tuxedo) with 17 tigers

Dissertation mid-80s - sacred text stories emerge analogy circus acts there's a statement - flying acts & challenge of gravity

Wallendas - any day could be injured or die.
compared mil. chaplains (fighter pilots) to circus chaplains (ariel [[aerial]] acts) close to death (pilots & circus flyers)

Tiger Acts - Clyde Beatty - recalled "brutal" adversarial Gunther Gable Williams - 11 tigers - no force or dominance
"mind meld" relationship with animal
"Relationship with animals is a joyous thing"
"circus is life celebrating" "art - not stunts"

Circus: artistic - beautiful, body expression
compound - Russian & China circus relative to artistic expression

Religion of circus folk - c = circus
∙c international community
∙c diverse religions

Analogy - ritual of circus} Tent = cathedral, Ring = altar

Q - celebratin moment a life in circus - [[strikethrough]] bless [[/strikethrough]] Ritual - blessing of the tent - broad appeal not limited to a sect nothing is denominational. "speak at the level of the souls' journey."

Sharing food - Thanksgiving - celebrate being together

*Mědrăno: circus is a religion"
religion, spirituality, circus - soaring.

Q - superstition? - in/out same door, peacock feather/bad luck, personal pre-perf. rituals;

Transcription Notes:
Take care reading the cursive--many words are incorrect.