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9. In the arts and industries (Smithsonian) has a circus school setup
imagine this x 4 = what SANCA is - 1000 students a week
10. 1100 sqft - 5 pieces of equipment - about 10 students
word of mouth and SANCA welcomed everyone so it grew 
make people feel good about themselves - learning i.e. juggling
aspect of risk assessment - i.e. tightrope - learning balance on a trampoline
11. unique program of social circus 
- social & emotional study about social circus - "Why circus works" - Amy 
bring the gap with language and data     
Ian - process and framework - with - [whitecur] Youth Development
need and development of youth -  4 of 8 camps that participated 
clowning - what they do but how they do it  
how does circus compare to national 
results will be released in mid-August
12. Amy "What is the primary thing that relates to circus?"
Jo - everybody can do it
[[strikethrough]]Amber[[/strikethrough]]Ian - short and long term changes - Aha! moments - experience it as not only a sp but as a participant
Amber - [[strikethrough]]there are[[/strikethrough]] trick is it's effortless
Audience Ques - (01h 49m) - where does the money come from? Do you get paid?
- SANCA is a non-profit program
- lot of fundraising - a lot of money
- never turn someone away bc of lack of ability to pay
Audience Ques (01h 50m) - provide any history?
- yes, a history class and annecdotes
[intertransmissional] part of history - Amber
Audience Ques (01h 51m) - Rodney Huey - where are you going in the future
- not more students, but more teachers and programs
Audience Ques - Judith (volunteer) - what's your website
- Tyler ([[strikethrough]]trapeze[[/strikethrough]]tightrope walker) hands out flyers
"Participation is what is going to save the human race" - Pete Seager quote by Amy
"Anyone can do this. Patience and flexible in what you think you can do" - Jo
16:53 - 01h 56m 00s - End of Session