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What was school like?
- Rafael went to public school in Las Vegas, home schooled and went to vocational school
- In Europe circus children get exposed to various languages as they travel
How as the circus style changed and been embraced?
- embracing new styles and performing harder stunts
- Ronnie from juggling/acrobatic circus family in Cuba
How do you learn in the circus?
- Rafael came from large family who were in circus and learned from his mother and uncle how to trapeze
- Ronnie taught himself to juggle since his parents were not jugglers
Circus Schools discussion with Dominique
- Dominique created the first in Western World
- Schools lose visual examples of actual performances
- strength, flexibility, and artistry all needed
- 4 years of schooling
1-2 of general schooling to determine a focus and remaining years to focus on specialty and develop an act
- Schools in Europe operate like universities and rely on grants for the most part
Do you focus on one discipline or try to master various ones?
- Ronnie learned a bit of trapeze work, high wire. went with juggling because he was good at it
Experience working with animals?
- Most animal trainers care for the animals and treat them as family