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June 29-July 4; July 6-9, 2017
Log Sheet #2
Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio/Video Log Sheet
Logger/Videographer: Ingeborg Holt
Recorder Number (Main): CFCH 8
File Name: CIRCSI_0331.wav
Recorder Number (Backup): CFCH
File Name: [[crossed out]].wav
Presenter: Karen Bell and Robin Enrich
Date/Time: 07/01/2017 / 12:00
Program: Circus Arts
Stage: Circus Science
Group Name: Univ South Florida Sarasota/Mcnatee
Session Title: Marvelous, Miraculous Circus Machine
[[2 Columned Table]]
Participants| Instrument/Occupation
Rebekah Stasmy| Scinc  Teacher 
Dr. Denise Davis Cotton
Dillion Wyn| Catcher for flying trapeze
Silas Bichler| clown, juggler

Contents/Notes (continue on back):
1. physics in the circus
2. terms - gravity, friction, mass/force, inertia - place setting on table clck
3. cause and effect, kinetic energy
4. friction and how it relate to gripping when catching people
5. mass versus weight
6. problem solving, failures can lead to success (post it notes, slinkies)
7. cause and effect machine
8. activity - kids to build their own machine w/3 “things” that happen and have something hit a target on a piece of paper