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June 29-July 4; July 6-9, 2017
Log Sheet #7 (seven)

Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio / Video Log Sheet
Logger / Videographer: Nick Violette
Recorder Number (Main): CFCH 5 
File Name: CIRSTR-0063.wav
Recorder Number (Backup): CFCH 6
File Name: CIRSTR-0065.wav
Presenter: |...|
Date / Time: 7/1/17 3:30
Program: Circus Arts
Stage: Circus Stories
Group Name: |...|
Session Title: McDaniel College Circus Exhibition

Participants [[break]] Instrument / Occupation
Deborah Walk [[break]] Curator of Circus Museum Archivist
Robert Lemieux

Contents / Notes (continue on back):
1. a collaboration w/ Corcoran College of Art + Design
2. Upcoming show: "visions of the circus"
3. photographs loaned from Ringling Museum
5.*  group had a handout (attached) *
6. description of pages was given orally
8. ____canceled for storm