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June 29-July 4; July 6-9, 2017
Log Sheet #3
Logger/Videographer: Paul Motsuk John M Farland Eugene Townes 
Recorder Number (Main): CFCH 9
File Name: Open 010041.wav
Recorder Number (Backup): CFCH 16
File Name: Open 02-0350.wav
Presenter: Jeffrey Raz
Date/Time: 7-1-17, 12:45 PM
Program: Circus Arts
Stage: Clown Alley
Group Name: |...|
Session Title: Music and Clowning
[[2 Columned Table]]
| Jeffrey Raz | | wrote a book called "the secret life of clowns." He read from his book again. This time for about 10 minutes |
| Rodman Eurich [[?]] |
| toy piano |
| Karen Bell | |Hand saw |
| Kenny Raskin | |Kazzo & Ukelele & Recorder |
| Kalvin Kai Ku | |
Ukelele |
| Rob Reich | |
Accordion/whistle |
Contents/Notes (continue on back):
1. Discussion of Ringling failure of [[strike through]] about working w/ Circ de soleil (sp??)
2. 2 aspects: clown act w/ music / Music that accentuates clown act
6.- Accordion
4,5,6.- Jam session
5.- Samples of rhythms: 1) Happy tune 2) for sleeping baby
4.- Ode to Joy (2 recorders per nostril)
3.- On saw: 
1. describes 2.& 3. trying to play piano (for blind visitor)