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(Brazil, Germany, France, Switz, Belgium) 
[See next log sheet for full list of organizations and in what countries they operate]
1990 = Stephanie Desvindesgrich Hapsburg Sam of Austria read on LIFE MAG about what they do, she wanted to do so to, so joined M in NYC to learn. Returned to Europe and founded Clinic Clowns - BEL, Netherlands, spinoff group in Austria
-Die Role Nazen = countries
-European Federation of Hospital Organizations = 
Calvin = med clown project able to get on inside to explain that this work is legit has positive impact and influence hospital officials. 
quickest way into good graces of hospital = get to know the nurses, they know what's going on more than drs.; mass general 1 nurse didn't like them.
[[Leenig?]] of medicine and medical clowning:
SNIF unit = adult long term care facility
glenview pres med center  = Dr. says = clowns do not belong in ICU; RESPONSE neither do children.
"Anatomy of an illness", Norman
NYU conducted studies on positive effects of clown care
-"to be clowned" = used as a verb, used as a medicine/increase dosage as needed etc. :-)
Move to pharmacy- clowns sold in pharmacy, over the counter vs. generic (More cheaper!)
Putting Dr. on the board of directors of Boston guy's org.
Partners in humanizing healthcare system
Most powerful prop in a unit = ukulele (Calvin's ukulele demo)
4 yr degree in clowning = Haifa University; sent clowns to Haiti.
Prescribe a particular genre for a particular patients the better you get to know the long-term patients; This person likes juggling, this one likes magic, etc. 
Nurse BB (witt) = coined the term a rickashay = what a clown does w/ a kid in hospital, look over and parents are crying. Brings up emotions to process (healthily) for everyone.
Anaesthesiologist  Alan von Posnick in off-whistle w/ 2-tone range
test tube oboe, thoracic cathetir clarinet

Transcription Notes:
Clinic Clowns? Leenig?